From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Splitting a database into front and back ends

Splitting a database into front and back ends

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Splitting a database into front and back ends

- If your database will be used by several people at once, you should consider splitting it. Splitting a database converts it from one file into two linked files called a back end and a front end. The back-end file will contain all your data tables and can be stored on a network server so that everyone has access to the same information. Access provides a tool to easily split your database into the two components, and you can find it up here on the Database Tools section. And in the Move Data section, we've got this button here called Access Database. Now, even though the name of the button isn't very descriptive, the icon gives you a sense of what's about to happen here. We've got one database that's being split into two parts. Go ahead and click on it, and the Database Splitter wizard starts up. It's going to give you some text here about what's about to happen. When you press the Split Database button, Access will move all of your data tables into a new back-end file, which can be…
