From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Solution: Creating forms

Solution: Creating forms

(bright music) - I hope you had fun creating a form to display and edit your menu items. Here's how I would approach the task. Typically I like to create all of my forms using the full designer, rather than starting out with something that Access has predesigned for me. I find it just gives me a little bit more flexibility in the final output. I'm going to go up, and we're going to connect our table, here. So go to the Design tab, and open up the Properties sheet. And in the Data tab we're going to connect our record source to the room service menu orders, right there. Now that that's connected, I can start adding in the different fields, here, so I'll select these items here, and we'll drag and drop these in. Now it's all about just arranging things here on the page. I'm going to add my image, going to move this over here, and I'm going to put it in the top right hand corner, and I don't need a label here, it'll be obvious that that's a picture. So go ahead and make that, and I'm…
