From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Entering data

Entering data

- Adding new records to your database is as easy as filling in the blanks. Each record, or horizontal row, will contain information about a single entity. In our case, the 'Guests' table will collect information about the individuals that visit the Landon Hotel. Each row will contain information about a single guest. Let's start to put in a couple of records into our database. First, I'm going to go ahead and open up the 'Guest' table just by double-clicking on it over here in the 'Navigation' pane. Now, if we try and type in the GuestID number, for instance, if I go over here where it says 'new' it's already highlighted for me. If I try to press the '1' key, you'll notice that down at the very bottom I get this message saying that the control can't be edited, it's bound to an auto number field GuestID. That's saying that Access is going to provide this number for us so it will take care of it and we don't need to type in a number here. I'm going to press the TAB key to move over to…
