From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Compacting and repairing the database

Compacting and repairing the database

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Compacting and repairing the database

- When working with your database files, Access keeps track of changes that you're making in the background. And when you delete an object or lots of records, Access doesn't actually give you that disk space back right away. If you notice that your database is running slower, or you'd like to squeeze a file size down as much as possible, you can use a little tool called Compact & Repair. You'll find Compact Repair either on the database Tools tab over here on the left-hand side, or on the File tab in this info section at the very top, you'll find Compact & Repair here. Either way, it'll run the same tool. When you press the button, Access will close the database file, then run through some routine maintenance tasks. It throws out old log files and rebuilt indexes, and just generally cleans up after itself. Then the database file is saved again, and reopened. For some databases, the Compact & Repair process is so quick, you might only notice a blink as the file is shut down, and…
