From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Understanding input boxes

Understanding input boxes

- Typing text into a box on your form is probably the most common way to enter data, but it's also the way with the least control on what gets entered. I'm going to open up the Employees form that we've been working with by double clicking on it. And you'll notice that most of these fields, including the name here, the title, and the address are all just Text Boxes. I can highlight this text and change it to whatever I'd like. The country field though, that currently says United Kingdom, is listing as a Combo Box. I've got this drop down arrow over here, and we can make selections from the list. Now it's doing this because we previously set up the table that's driving this data, to be set up as a List Box, so that's where that's coming from here. Now we can get the same effect here on the address field without having to go back and redesign the Landon Employees table. Let's go ahead and change this address into a combo field, just like our country field. I can do that by switching my…
