From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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- We've come to the end of this course, but the exploration of Access's capabilities doesn't stop here. At the beginning of this course, I mentioned that the templates that come with Access are a great resource for further exploration. I'm going to reiterate that point again and encourage you to download a couple of them and really dig in to see how they function. Take some time and review their table structure and relationships. Then, run a few queries and see what the results are and switch into Design view to see how it was constructed. Deconstruct the forms and reports in layout view and don't forget to browse the property sheets for all the details on each object. You'll be surprised at how much you can pick up by seeing other databases at work. If you want to dig even deeper, offers courses on Visual Basic and structured query language, in addition to several in depth courses on Access, such as my Access: Queries in Depth and Access: Forms and Reports in Depth. We're…
