From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Adding components with form controls

Adding components with form controls

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Adding components with form controls

- Forms can have a variety of additional objects added to them in order to help customize their appearance and their functionality. Collectively these additional objects are called Form Controls and you can find them in the Form Design View. Let's go ahead and continue refining our Employees Form here. I'm going to open it by right-clicking on it and choosing Design View. That'll open up our Design Tools tabs here across the top. We have the Design tab, the Arrange tab, and the Format tab. On the Design tab we have this Controls group here that has a listing of all the different Control Objects that we can add into our forms to control the functionality. And in fact this isn't all of the objects at all, there's actually two different lines here. So if I scroll down here by pressing this button you'll see that we have some additional options here. If I press this button here you can see both rows of items at the same time. So we can go through some of these items and use them inside of…
