From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Building queries in Design view

Building queries in Design view

- The Query Designer View is a very powerful tool to have at your disposal, and its layout makes it easy to find some answers to some very complex questions. The easiest way to begin exploring the Query Design environment is to take a look at an existing query to see how it was put together. We'll use this Check In Details Query that we created with the Wizard in the last movie, in order to get us started. Let's go ahead and open it up in Design View, and just like our tables, I can right click on it and jump straight into Design View in the flyout menu here. In Design View you'll notice that we have a couple of different sections to our screen. The upper half of the screen is kind of like a mini relationships skew, it allows us to see the different tables that are involved in our query here, so in this case we've got the Guests table, and we have the RoomAssignments table here. And in the bottom half of the screen is devoted to defining the different columns that are going to be…
