From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Controlling input with masks

Controlling input with masks

- Access Databases give us lots of ways to control the input of data into our tables. This helps ensure that what is enter is typed correctly and often more imporant, consistently. We can make use of the Input Mask field property to help us make sure that each time we enter in a phone number, for example, it gets formatted properly. Let's go ahead and open up our Guests table in Design view. One way to do that is to double click on it here in the navigation pane and then on the Home tab switch our view over here to Design view this way. Another way, if I go ahead and close out this table by pressing this X on the far right, and probably the way that I would prefer to do it is just find it in the navigation pane, right click on it, and choose Design View from the pop-up menu. Now, what I wanna do is add in an input mask for our PhoneNumber field. So, let's go ahead and select this field by clicking this box here to the left of the Phone field, and when we do we'll notice that we have a…
