From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Using delete queries

Using delete queries

- In our last movie, we identified a couple of people that are in our Guests Table that have never actually checked into the hotel. We can create a Delete Query to remove them from the database if we'd like. Let's do that by going up to the Create tab and starting a new Query in Design view, and I'm going to add in that Guests Table here. Now I also want to add in the related Query that we built in the last movie, and I can do that by switching over to the Queries tab here, and finding it in the list. Here it is, GuestsWithoutCheckins. I'll double click on that to add that to my Query Design. Let's go ahead and close the Show Table window here, and now we need to create a relationship between these two Tables, and we have the GuestID in both of these, this Table over here and the Query, and we can create a relationship just like we did in the original movie on creating relationships. We'll just click and drag, and we'll drop on top of the other field. Now we saw earlier that the…
