From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Checking out the More Forms options

Checking out the More Forms options

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Checking out the More Forms options

- Most data driven forms display only a single record at a time, however there's additional form types that you can choose when you'd like to be able to work with several records. On the Create tab here we can go into the More Forms section to see a couple of those. The two I want to take a look at are the Multiple Items form and the Split Form. So let's go ahead and use a premade query that's Guests_UnitedStates query that we created earlier and we'll explore both of those options. So make sure that the Guests_UnitedStates is selected here in the navigation pane, then we'll go up to the Create tab, and over to More Forms, and I'm going to choose Multiple Items. That's going to automatically create a Multiple Items form for us to work with. You can see that we're in Layout view right now just by taking a look here at the top here where it says Form Layout Tools, that tells me we're in Layout mode. And we can make adjustments to this form however we want. For instance I'm going to take…
