From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Editing a report in Layout view

Editing a report in Layout view

- So let's work on cleaning up our Check In Details report and bring it into a state that will actually be useful. Let's go ahead and come down to our report here, the Check In Details, and right click on it and I'm going to jump straight into Layout View here. Now there's several things that I want to change and I'll just start at the top and work my way down. First, I'm going to change this title here. Let's go ahead and click on it and double click then. I'm going to change it to Guest Room Assignment History. Go ahead and press Enter to make that change. And then I want to change the color, so I'll go to the Format tab where we can find our Font Options. I'll change this color using the dropdown list, and I'm going to choose this purple GIF right here, which is Purple Number Five. Then I'm going to go ahead and use my arrow keys to scoot it over a little bit. And I'll just tap it over 'til it gets to about here. Next thing I want to do is add in a logo for the Landon Hotel. I can…
