From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Using append queries

Using append queries

- When you want to permanently join the contents of two tables together you can use an Append query to make quick work of the task. Earlier we saw how we can use a Make Table query to export quarterly archives of the guest records. I have the LandonHotel-Append file open right now and we can see that some time has elapsed and we now have tables for each quarter in 2015. Now management wants us to combine all of them into a single archive table and we can do that with an Append query. Let's go ahead and start with the Create tab and go to Query Design. Now the first thing I need to do is set up the structure of the table that I want everything to go into, so I'm going to select the Q1-2015 GuestArchive table here, I'll just double-click, and we'll close the Show Table window. Next I'll double-click on the * to include everything from the GuestArchive, and then I'm going to change this to Make Table here and we're going to choose a Table Name of 2015-FullArchive. We'll leave it in the…
