From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Digging into Ribbon tabs

Digging into Ribbon tabs

- All of the tools that we'll be using in Access are organized into the same ribbon tab layout that's been used throughout the Office suite. By default, there are four main ribbons plus the File tab, which takes you to the backstage options. Plus, you'll see additional tabs that'll appear depending on the context of what you're working on. Let's take a look at each tab and get a peek at their organizations, starting with the File tab over here on the upper left. When you click on it, you'll realize that it isn't really a ribbon at all. It takes me to a screen called Backstage view. This is where you can open a new file here or go into a new file here if you want to load up a new template. You'll have options to Save and Save As, and if you go to Save As, you can save the entire database or just the object that you're currently working with. We can close the existing database that we have open, or we can get some information about current user account and the Access options. We'll take…
