From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Adjusting print settings

Adjusting print settings

- Report objects are specifically designed for the printed page so it makes sense that at some point you'll want to print them. We've been using the Print Preview mode to check out our layouts and confirm that things are looking like they should. But let's take a deeper look at the options that are available in the Print Preview view. In my navigation pane, I'm going to scroll down and find the report called CheckIn Analysis. There's a couple of different ways we can get this into Print Preview view. I can right click on it and choose Print Preview view from the pop-up menu. I can double click on it which will open me up in the Regular Report view and then on the Home tab of the ribbon I can change my view here to Print Preview. I also have some buttons on the very bottom right-hand corner of my screen and I can jump into Print Preview with this button here. Or another way is to go over here to the File Menu, go down to Print and then choose Print Preview from that option there…
