From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Searching and replacing values

Searching and replacing values

- No text editing environment would be complete without an easy way to search through the text and make replacements. Access is no exception, and we can use the same Find and Replace tools that you might be familiar with from other Office programs. Once again we're going to double click on the Guests table here in the Navigation pane to open it up, and I want to go ahead and try and find a few things here in the data tables. Now the first thing we can do is use this Search box at the very bottom of the screen here that's next to the Filter button. If I click in the Search box and go ahead and type in Columbia, you'll notice that it jumps straight to the first person that has in their email address, which would be this Norma Ray at Guest ID 151. Let's go ahead and double click on this field edge right here to increase the width of the Email field. Now if I wanted to find somebody else, I'll just click back down here into the Search and press Enter. You'll notice that it…
