From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Using the Report Wizard

Using the Report Wizard

- In the last movie, we created this CheckInDetails report. Let's go ahead and double click on it open it up. One of the things about this report that Access just created is that Access placed a single line for each record that was coming out of the original query. It's currently sorted chronologically by CheckInDate, which is a logical way to organize this information, but it's not really the only way. What if I wanted to see the details for each guest? For instance, what if I wanted to see Anna Cunningham and all of her check-in dates, and then Carl Garza and then all of his check-in dates? We could go ahead and organize our report that way, and we can start doing so with the Wizard. Let's go ahead and close this report down, and I'm going to start a new report here by going to the Create tab. And then in the Report section, I'm going to choose the Report Wizard option. That will start up the Report Wizard, and you've seen this several times at this point. This is just building a…
