From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Establishing constraints with criteria

Establishing constraints with criteria

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Establishing constraints with criteria

- In addition to gathering and displaying records from data tables, we can add filtering constraints to the Query Design Grid to only display the exact records that we're interested in seeing. Let's see how this works by exploring the data we've collected on the Landon Hotels guests. I'm going to create a new query in Design View by going to the Create Tab and then coming over here to the Query Design button. Next, we're going to add in the Guest Table to the Query Design, so I'll just double click on it here in the Show Table window, and then I'll close the window here. Then, we're going to add a few fields from the upper portion down into the grid down below, and I will take the FirstName, the LastName, and let's expand this open a little bit here. I want the PhoneNumber next, then we want the Country, and then finally the State. So we've got some information about all of our guests. Now at this point, I can view my Data Sheet here in order to see all of the Query Results. We can…
