From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Exploring the form property sheet

Exploring the form property sheet

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Exploring the form property sheet

- Everything in Access has properties. Way back when we created our first table fields, we saw that every field had properties like field length, caption, indexed, or required. Forms and the objects that we'll place onto our Forms also have properties, as well. In Forms, however, there are so many properties that we can modify and explore, that they're organized into a tabbed listing called the Property Sheet. Let's Create a new Form in Design View by going to the Create tab, and then in the Forms group, we'll press Form Design. Then, I'm going to go onto the Design tab of the Ribbon, and over here on the right, you'll see a button called Property Sheet. When you click on that, you get a new window over here on the far right that's called Property Sheet, and right now, we're looking at the properties of the entire Form. We can use this drop-down list here to select other objects that are currently on our Form. In this case, we just started it, so we only have two different things, the…
