From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Solution: Creating tables

Solution: Creating tables

(ding dong) - I hope you had fun with our first challenge. Here's how I would approach it. First, we need to create a new table called Room Service Menu, and we can do that by going up here to the Create Tab. Previously in the course, we looked at creating a new table, but there is an option to create a table in Design view. I'll just jump straight over there to do that. The first item is going to be our Menu Item ID which is going to be the Auto Number primary key for this table. Press tab, and I'll select A from my keyboard and that'll automatically jump to the data type of Auto Number from the list here. We'll go ahead and press tab a couple more times to get down to the next row. And the next row is going to be the name of the menu item. And it looks like Name is actually a reserved word and Access is telling me that I shouldn't use reserved words here. So, I'm gonna actually come up with a different name here. So, instead of Name, I'm just gonna put Menu Item Name. Or how about…
