From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Solution: Creating reports

Solution: Creating reports

- I hope you are able to bring some organization to the daily check-in data. Let's take a look at how I would approach the solution. First, I'd want to take a look at the data source so I'm going to find the Query here called, DailyCheckIns and double-click on it. Looking on the bottom, I see we have 14 records so I'll just put that number in my head for now. I can also see that the check-in dates are today's date, which is August 15th. I've got some information for tomorrow, August 16th and yesterday, August 14th. If I switch into Design View, we'll see how that's accomplished. We have a criteria down here and it's just calculating today's date or tomorrow's date with a +1 or yesterday's date with a -1. Now, if you're running this in 2017 or on, then this Query isn't going to return any results because we don't have any check-in details for 2017 and beyond. So, in order for this to work for you, you'd probably just want to get rid of this formula line here in the Criteria and either…
