From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Examining database object dependencies

Examining database object dependencies

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Examining database object dependencies

- When you're working with a large database, or you need to explore the inner-workings of a database that somebody else created, it's important to understand how all of the objects interrelate. We've seen how you can use the Relationship screen to explore the relationships between multiple tables, but that doesn't tell you what queries rely on specific tables, or which forms send data to a specific report. To get a deep dive into the interconnectedness of all of your objects, we're going to turn to the Database Tools tab here, and take a look at an option called Object Dependencies here. Go ahead and click on that, and that should open up the Object Dependencies pane on the far right hand side. The first time you run the tool, you may be prompted to rebuild the dependency information. Go ahead and press OK to that, and it should return you to this screen here. We can go ahead and expand this a little bit here, so we can read all the text inside of it. Now, I always get a kick out of…
