From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Creating calculated totals

Creating calculated totals

- So far, our Checkin Analysis Report has organized and grouped the records that were gathered by our CheckIn Anaysis query. We can also add some statistical information about each group right inside of the report. This will give you some quick, grand total figures that can help in understanding the data and making comparisons across days. Let's go ahead and continue modifying the report called "CheckInAnalysis". I'll right click on it, and we'll jump straight into Layout View. Next, I'm going to click on one of these fields over here in the Total Revenue column. It doesn't matter which number you click on. They'll all do the same thing. And then, I'm going to come up here on the Design tab of the Report Layout Tools ribbon. We'll go ahead and take a look at this Totals button here. This will work like just like the totals that we saw earlier when we working with our totals queries. We had some aggregate functions, including Sum, Average, Count, Min, Max, and Standard Deviation and…
