From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Creating a table and setting data types

Creating a table and setting data types

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Creating a table and setting data types

- When creating a place for our data to live, we will define the columns or fields that will house the data. Remember that in a properly normalized data table, the fields will represent the smallest piece of information possible. So instead of a single name field, we'll want to instead break it out into a first name field, and a last name field, and even add a middle name, suffix, prefix fields as needed. Let's go ahead and create a table to hold information about the Landon Hotel's guests. There's a couple of ways to create a new table in Access, I'm going to go up to the Create tab here, and then come down to the Tables group here. Now the last option, SharePoint Lists, will create a new table on a SharePoint server. In this case, we want to create a table here in our local database, so we can choose from the other two options. We can either create a table in the datasheet view, which is this first option, or create a table with the design view, we could use this button here. Let's…
