From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Establishing validation rules

Establishing validation rules

- Validation rules allow you to control what data gets saved in the database. If you try and enter in a value that isn't allowed by the validation rule, Access will display a warning and allow you to fix the problem. Let's put some validation rules into effect on our credit cards table. I'm going to double-click on it to review the data that we have inside of here right now. First, I want to make sure that the expiration date here is either today's date or something in the future. I don't want the ability to enter in a credit card that's already been expired. The other thing I want to do is let's suppose that the hotel can only accept MasterCard and Visa credit cards over here. I want to create a validation rule that ensures that we don't enter in a card from an unsupported merchant. So, let's go ahead and make those changes by switching into Design View. First, let's take a look at the expiration date one. I'll go ahead and click on this button here to select that field and then…
