From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Applying conditional formatting rules

Applying conditional formatting rules

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Applying conditional formatting rules

- Conditional formatting rules will call attention to specific values that you would like to highlight in your reports. Let's create a new report to analyze the Landon Hotel's MonthlyRevenueSummary, which is a query that we created earlier in the course. Let's go ahead and find it in the Navigation pane and double click on it, and we'll see that this is an aggregate or a totals query. Right now we're totaling up the number of check-ins that we have for each year and month. And then, we're counting up how many check-ins happened in that month, and we're seeing the total revenue that was associated with that month. Let's go ahead and close this query, and we'll create a basic report off of it. Make sure that it's still selected in the Navigation pane, and we'll come over to the Create tab here, and we'll choose Report from the report section. That'll generate a basic report. And the first thing I want to do is make sure that these numbers are sorting in a way that makes sense. Right…
