From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Making backups

Making backups

- Access is one of the only programs in the Office Suite that doesn't feature an auto-recovery option in the case of a program crash or unexpected shut down. Because of this, you want to make sure that you're backing up your databases on a regular basis, luckily Access makes it really easy to create backups so there is absolutely no reason to not protect yourself and your data. In order to create a backup, we'll just come up here and visit our backstage view by going to the File tab and then I'm going to come down and hit the Save As button here. We have a couple of different options of how we want to save our database. The one I'm interested in right now is the Back Up Database option here at the bottom. We'll go ahead and select that and then press Save As. That'll open up our standard Save As dialogue box where we can browse to a specific location in this case it's just going to put it right back where my original file was, which is in the Chapter 1 folder. Then we can take a look…
