From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Documenting your work

Documenting your work

- The only thing worse than opening up an unfamiliar database and realizing that you can't figure out what the creator was thinking when they put it together, is opening up a database that you, yourself, created and not remembering why you did it the way you did. I'm a big proponent of keeping a detailed documentation trail inside of the database file. Fortunately, Access provides us lots of opportunity for you to leave notes to the next database designer that has to follow in your footsteps. First, let's start with a table. I'm going to come up here and find the Guest table and open it into Design view. In the Design view we have this Description field over here on the right that we can put in some information about the type of data that's going to be stored here. Earlier we added reminders that this here is the zip or international postal code field, and that the phone number will require a nine-digit phone number plus the country code. If we close this and right click on the table…
