From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Using make table queries

Using make table queries

- The Make Table action query is useful if you would like to convert a queries temporary record set into a stand alone table. This is perfect for exporting a snapshot of the data as it exists today. Remember, that queries by their nature, update automatically to show you the current state of the data. By exporting the results to a new table, you can essentially freeze the results. Let's go ahead and take a look how we can use this by going up to the create tab and starting a new query in design view. In this case, I want to create a query that archives our guests and room assignment data for quarter one of 2015. I'm going to pull information form our guest table by double clicking on it here and the room assignments table and I'll double click there. Let's go ahead and close the show table window and we'll add a few fields to our query here. I'm going to add the guest ID, first name and last name from the guests table, and we're going to take the check in date, and room ID from the…
