From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Setting the default value

Setting the default value

- When you have a field that'll commonly contain the same information record after record, you can specify a default value to appear when entering in the record. A default value will allow you to simply skip over that field while typing. It'll allow you to automatically input the most common information. Of course, if you'd like to change it, you can. The default value is simply a suggestion. Let's go ahead and try adding one to our Guests table, and I'll do that by going over here to the navigation pane, right-clicking on the Guests table here, and opening it straight into Design view. Now, I want to add a default value to our country code here. Perhaps, I've analyzed our table, and I found out that most of our guests come from the United States, so I want to specify that as the default value for country. In order to do that, I'm going to go down here to the Field properties, and I'm going to find the field called Default Value here. I'll click here in the cell to the right of that…
