From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Creating a report in Design view

Creating a report in Design view

- For complete control over your report layout, you're gonna want to explore the report design view. Many of the features that we went over from the form design also apply to the design of reports, which makes it easy to apply what we already know. However, reports have a structure that's distinct from most forms, which adds another aspect to their construction. Most forms display only a single record at a time. Reports display many records, one after another. Let's go ahead and open up the CheckInDetails report in design view to see how that works. And we can do that by right clicking on it here in the navigation pane, and jumping straight over here to the Design View. Now if the field list opens up when it switches into design view, feel free to collapse that window here just by pressing that x button here. And we'll just focus here on the center portion of the screen. Now, you might be surprised at how short this report looks. The nature of our report is that there are several…
