From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Finding unmatched records

Finding unmatched records

- Our Select Queries are usually used to find records and match them to related information in our other tables. The default behavior is to only show records that have a match from both sides in the relationship. We can adjust this parameter, though, which enables us to find other types of information. For instance, we can easily find any people in the Guests table that have never actually checked in to the hotel. In order to do that, we'll start a new Query in Design View, and I'm going to add in information from the Guests table and from the RoomAssignments table. Once we've added both of those, we'll go ahead and close the Show Table window. Let's select a few fields. I'm going to double-click on GuestID, FirstName, and LastName from the Guests table, as well as CheckInDate here from the RoomAssignments table, and then I'm going to come down and double-click on the GuestID that's in the RoomAssignments table, so we'll actually have two instances of GuestID, one of them coming out…
