From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Grouping and sorting records

Grouping and sorting records

- Understanding the grouping and sorting options available when setting up your reports will allow you to have complete control over the organization, layout, and styling of your data. Doing this in Layout view will allow you to experiment of the grouping and sorting of your records into logical arrangements. Now I have imported a new query here called CheckInAnalysis. Let's go ahead and double-click on it to run it. We can see that this query groups all of our room assignment data based off of the room type and name, the type of bed, and the day of the week that the person checked in. Then we have a couple of summary calculations that count up how many check ins fall into each category, and the sum total of the revenue earned from each category. Finally we have a column here called SortDay, which is just a numerical representation of the day of the week. We can use this column for sorting records in our report. If we didn't have this column and we tried to sort on the day of the week…
