From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Filtering with mathematical comparisons

Filtering with mathematical comparisons

From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

Filtering with mathematical comparisons

- When it comes to filtering data there's one additional class of operators that's specifically used with numerical data. They're called comparison operators and they're useful for all of those situations where you want records returned that are above or below a specified numerical value. Let's put those to use and take a look at what our guests are spending per night. Once again I'll go up to the Create tab and we'll start a new Query in Design view. The Tables I want to add are the Guest Table, the RoomAssignments Table, and the RoomRates Table. So I'll just double-click on each of those. Go ahead and Close the Show Table window and we'll start pulling down some fields. I want to add the FirstName and LastName from the Guests Table, from the RoomAssignments I want CheckInDate and RoomID here, top two. And then finally from the RoomRates Table I want to get the Rate, which is how much they paid for that specific room depending on the day that they checked in. So there's weekend rates…
