From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Assigning a tab order

Assigning a tab order

- I'll admit that I'm addicted to using my keyboard. I try and keep my hands off the mouse as much as possible when I'm entering data, by using the Tab key to move from field to field. However, watch what happens when we open up our Employees table here and start pressing that Tab key. Right now the current active cell is the employee ID number over here. When I press Tab, it comes over to the name, and then down to the title. Then I press Tab again it goes to the address, but then I press it again and it jumps way down here to the hyperlink, or the website URL. Press Tab again it comes back up to the country, then down to the phone number, then the email address, then it skips down to the bio, then over here to the picture. Press it one more time and it looks like it goes over here to the Close Form button, and then because it's black it's hard to see but that's where it goes. And if I press Tab one more time and it goes to the next record where we repeat the process all over again…
