From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Launching macros at startup

Launching macros at startup

- It might be useful to have a macro run immediately when a database is first open. We can do that by giving one of our macro objects a very special name. Lets create a macro that's going to run at start-up. We're actually just going to modify one of the macro's we've already got created called the "Good Morning" macro. Let's right-click on it and open it in Design View. I want to add in one additional step to this macro and that's called the 'MessageBox'. Type in the 'MessageBox' action. We'll go ahead and fill in a message of "Welcome to the Landon Hotel Database". I'm going to set this 'Beep' property to 'No' and the 'Type' we'll go ahead and say 'Information'. Finally, we're going to set a 'Title' here to the slogan of the Landon Hotel which is 'You'll feel at home in our neighborhood'. Next, I want to move this MessageBox action all the way to the top. I'll press this green arrow on it and we'll just continue moving it up until it gets to the very top of our steps here. We'll go…
