From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Vintage scene: Texture and edge effects

Vintage scene: Texture and edge effects - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Vintage scene: Texture and edge effects

- Since camera phone photo apps first appeared on the scene adding a vintage and textured look to your photos has been a common and popular way to modify your images. Hi, I'm Sean Duggan, and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly, I want to share with you one of my favorite apps for adding a distressed, damaged, or old photo look to your camera phone images. The app is called Vintage Scene, and it's available for both Android and iOS. Let's take it for a spin. All right, so the first thing I'm going to do in Vintage Scene is tap on get photo, and then load photo, and let's go out to one of my albums and get this shot of Balboa Park in San Diego. So right off the bat, Vintage Scene is going to apply a look to your picture, it's kind of random, and speaking of random, if you just tap on the dice up in the upper right corner, you will roll the metaphorical dice and get a different effect each time. So this is a good way to maybe get a sense of which direction you might want to take the…
