From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Advanced curves with MaxCurve

Advanced curves with MaxCurve - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Advanced curves with MaxCurve

- Hey everybody, Sean here, and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly we're going to dive into some image processing geekiness and explore an app that uses curves in some really interesting ways. Now, if you're already a user of programs like Photoshop or Lightroom, you're probably somewhat familiar with curves. The curves interface is not for everybody, but it does provide some really powerful ways to apply image adjustments. The app we're going to be using is called MaxCurve and it's available for the iPhone and iPad. Let's dive in and check it out. So, here on the home screen is where we load our images and, obviously, we can pull an image from the device here, we can take a photo with the built-in camera app, or, interestingly, there's an option to load an image from Photoshop. We'll be taking a look at that a little bit later. Let me get this picture of the dunes in Death Valley and we'll start off with that. So, there are options here to crop the picture, rotate it, flip it…
