From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Live Photos: Long-exposure effect

Live Photos: Long-exposure effect - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Live Photos: Long-exposure effect

- [Sean] With the release of iOS 11, Apple has added a few effects that can be applied to live photos, one of which is a long exposure effect. Hi, I'm Sean Duggan, and on this episode of Mobile Photography Weekly, we're going to take a quick look at this effect, deconstruct how well it works, and identify some things to keep in mind to get good results. First, let's clarify just what a live photo is. It essentially is a few seconds of video that encapsulates the still photo that you take. To turn it on, there's a button in the iOS 11 camera app. With the camera in a vertical position, it's at the top center. (camera clicks) And if the camera is in a landscape orientation, as here, it's on the center left side. (camera clicks) With this feature turned on, the camera records one and 1/2 seconds before and after you take the shot. When you review the photo, just press and hold on it, and that short little video clip will play, sound and all. For some images it's nothing exciting, but for…
