From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Snapseed double exposures

Snapseed double exposures - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Snapseed double exposures

- Snapseed by Google is what I regard as one of the most essential photo processing apps to have on your mobile device. It has so many great features and it's really useful. I use it on a daily basis. Hi, I'm Sean Duggan and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly we're going to take a look at a new feature that was recently added to Snapseed, the ability to create double exposures. So let's just check that out. Dive into the app here and I'm going to go and get a picture to use here. So we can tap on the pencil and then down here under Filters we have the ability to add a Double Exposure effect. So before we get into building this double exposure I just want to mention a couple of key concepts that'll help you pre-visualize what sort of images pairings will work well as a double exposure. So anytime you have an image where there are either very light or very dark areas, those are areas where you can drop in parts of another image just through the use of a blending mode. And so you'll…
