From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Create a photo magazine

Create a photo magazine - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Create a photo magazine

- One of the great things about mobile photography is how convenient it is to not only share our images in a variety of ways, but also to create actual tangible items, such as cards, prints, and books. We've covered making photo books directly from your phone in an earlier episode of Mobile Photography Weekly, and this week, I want to focus on a variation of that, making a magazine from photos on your phone. The app we're going to be looking at is for iOS, and it's called Recently. Recently is a subscription service, and you can create photo magazines on a monthly or on a quarterly basis. The pricing structure is $9.99 per month for 12 magazines a year, or $12.99 per quarter, for four magazines a year. Or you can also make magazines one at a time at $9.99 each. There's no obligation in terms of a subscription period. You can cancel at any time, but you do have to have an active subscription to order magazines. If…
