From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Depth maps for image adjustments

Depth maps for image adjustments - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Depth maps for image adjustments

- [Sean] Hey, everybody, Sean Duggan here and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly, we're going to take a look at some interesting uses for the depth maps that are created with photos shot using the Portrait mode on dual camera iPhones. In Portrait mode, both lenses are used to distinguish between the foreground and background and create a depth map that is then used by the iPhone to apply live software-generated blurring to the background areas. In iOS 11, Apple made this feature available to other developers and in this episode, and subsequent installments, we're going to take a look at apps that let you do some pretty cool things with those depth maps. So, the first app that we're going to check out is called Focos, or Focos depending on how you want to pronounce it. It's spelled F-O-C-O-S and it's made by the same developer as MaxCurve, which is a really useful curves-based processing app for iOS that I've covered in a previous episode. When you open up the Focos app for the…
