From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Create a custom photo postcard, part 2

Create a custom photo postcard, part 2 - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Create a custom photo postcard, part 2

- Hey, Sean here. Welcome back to Mobile Photography Weekly. I'm at The Outside Inn in Nevada City, California, and in a previous episode, I showed you how to take handwritten text and incorporate it into one of your photos, kind of like as a photo postcard that you can either post on social media or actually mail out as an actual postcard. In that episode, the text that I used was dark text on a light background, and in the photo that I created with that, the text was dark. Well, in some images, you're going to need to have light-colored text for placing on a dark background in the photo, so that's what we're going to go over in this episode. So, I've already photographed my text that I'm going to use in the photo. So, let's go into Snapseed and put this together. In the previous episode, we used Photoshop Mix, but this time, I'm going to show you how to do the same process in Snapseed. So, let me open up the image that I'm going to use, and first, I'm going to prepare the text…
