From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Color blends and textures: Stackables

Color blends and textures: Stackables - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Color blends and textures: Stackables

- Hey everybody, Sean Duggan here, and this week I want to show you a really cool app for adding color blends and texture overlays to your photographs. It's called Stackables, it's an iOS app, and let's dive in here and see what we got going. I'm just gonna tap on the picture icon here to load up the picture, I'll go into one of my albums, my In Progress album, and I'm gonna get this photograph of an old motel sign that I took the other day. So one thing to point out here is that I'm doing this on an iPad, but the app is also available for iPhone as well. It's a universal app, which means that with a single purchase you can use the same app and download it on either your iPad or your iPhone. There's just a lot more real estate and it's a little bit roomier here on the iPad to show you what's going on. All right, so on the first screen here I can choose from some different aspect ratios, how I want the image to look. I'm just gonna leave it set to the original width and height, and…
