From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Epson Print Layout for the iPhone

Epson Print Layout for the iPhone - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Epson Print Layout for the iPhone

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm Sean Duggan. And this week on mobile photography weekly, we're going to take a look at the Epson Print Layout App that allows you to print directly from your iPhone or your iPad. This is a free app that is currently only available for iOS. And at the present time, it only works when printing to the Epson SureColor P700 and P900 printers which are both relatively newer models that were released in the summer and fall of 2020. Let's open up the app and check it out. The first thing to do is load an image. So I'm going to tap on the little plus image icon down in the lower left, and I'll go out to my camera roll, and I'll choose this photograph that I took in Bar Harbor, Maine. Next, I'll tap on the printer settings icon which is that one right next to the star. And this is where I can see that my SureColor P700 printer is connected. I can tap on that. I can check the ink levels, getting kind…
