From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Photoshop Express and Collage

Photoshop Express and Collage - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Photoshop Express and Collage

- Hi, I'm Seán Duggan. Welcome back to another episode of Mobile Photography Weekly. This week, we're going to take a look at a free app from Adobe that's part of their Photoshop family of mobile apps. It's called Adobe Photoshop Express, and it's available for both Android and iOS. If you like a lot of the filter looks and collage possibilities that are available in Instagram, you should definitely check this app out. Not only does it have a lot really interesting presets that you can apply to your photos, it also has some essential image-editing controls, the ability to create simple collages, and the ability to save your settings as custom presets. Let's check it out. Alright, so when you first get into Photoshop Express, you can either choose to edit images or make a collage. We'll look at collage a little bit later, so I'll just stick here with Edit Images. And down below, there's a range of places you can go to access your photos. If you tap on the Phone choice, you can access…
