From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Create a hand-colored look

Create a hand-colored look - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Create a hand-colored look

- Back in the days when I used to do traditional photo processing in an actual dark room making my own black and white prints one of the things that I liked to do was hand-color my photographs. The process and the results were very satisfying, but it entailed using photo oil paints, which were kind of smelly, a bit messy, and they took several days to dry. High, I'm Sean Duggan and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly I want to take that basic process up to the present day and share some of my methods with you for creating a hand-colored look with photos on your mobile device. All right, before we get started coloring I'm going to come in and make a duplicate of the image we're going to work with. So I'll come up here on the iPad to the share or export button and I'll just tap Duplicate down here on the bottom. There we go. And next I'm going to open it up into an app called Polarr. And Polarr's a really cool app, it's available for both Android and iOS. It packs an amazing amount…
