From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Image styling with Mextures

Image styling with Mextures - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Image styling with Mextures

- [Sean] Hi, I'm Sean Duggan, and on this episode of Mobile Photography Weekly, we're going to check out a really cool app for iOS called Mextures that lets you apply color overlays and texture to create unique styling effects. You can also save the combination of effects that you apply as a custom formula that you can then use on future edits or share with other people. Let's check it out. So on the Mextures home screen, you see there's an option to go in and use the camera part of the app or go into your library to choose a picture. I'm not going to go into the camera app. There's really not much to it. It's pretty bare bones. Really where Mextures shines is as an image processing and styling app. So I'm just going to go right into the library. And right up there where it says All Photos, I'm going to tap to have access to my albums. I'm going to go into one of my albums here and find the picture that I want to work with. There it is. I'll just tape Use. Now, by default it will…
