From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Sync Lightroom mobile with Lightroom Classic

Sync Lightroom mobile with Lightroom Classic - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Sync Lightroom mobile with Lightroom Classic

- [Instructor] On this week's episode of Mobile Photography Weekly, we're going to take a look at how to set up Lightroom Classic so that the images you import into the Lightroom for Mobile app on your phone or tablet will automatically sync and download to Lightroom Classic on your computer. Before we get into the details, let me first clarify that what I'm going to be covering in this episode is only for the desktop-centric Lightroom Classic program. Where you have to set up and maintain the folder directories for storing your image files on your computer hard drives. It does not pertain to the cloud-based Lightroom where all of your photos are stored in the cloud on Adobe servers, and are automatically synced across any device on which you've installed the Lightroom program. It also requires that you have a Creative Cloud subscription. Let's check out a few under-the-hood settings that'll make this syncing process…
