From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Shoot in "bad" light

Shoot in "bad" light

- Hey everybody, Sean here. And welcome to bad... midday light. The sun is almost directly overhead, really bright. And you know, this is the time of day when a lot of photographers will not even go out to take pictures. They will leave their camera back in the hotel room. They won't even try to make pictures. And that's because... they are thinking of making pictures in certain types of light. Especially if you're a landscape photographer where you wanna have that early morning or late afternoon light, which you know, there's a reason why that's called the sweet light and the golden light. And it's true that for certain subjects, this type of midday harsh light is not very good. Certainly not as good as some other types of the day. But, sometimes that may be the only time when you are at a certain location, or the only time when you are with a certain person in order to make a photograph. So, what we're gonna do is talk about ways to work with bad light when you have to, and know how…
